#1Rated Scarsdale Roof Cleaning Co.


According to recent research, Westchester Power Washing is the #1 rated roof cleaning company in Scarsdale. Soft-washing roofs and providing home pressure washing services since 1990, Westchester Power Washing is one of the most experienced power washers in Westchester, Putnam & Dutchess County NY.


What Is The Best Roof Cleaning Method?

Is there really a “best” way to get your roof cleaned? Roofing contractors would prefer you to get a new roof when your roof is dirty, has lichens, moss, mold, or mildew. But Westchester Power Washing can get your roof professionally cleaned for a fraction of the cost of roof repair or replacement.

Protecting and saving your roof starts with proper roof maintenance. This means getting your roof washed at least every 5 years to maintain its integrity as well as your home’s curb appeal. 

Pressure washing your roof and shingles is the worse way to wash your roof. Even though you may be able to get a roof washing company to get your roof washed cheaper, this is not the best method, nor is it even a worthwhile investment. A damaged roof that needs replacement can cost you 10x the price of professional roof cleaning.


Westchester Power Washing soft washes your roof. This is the best, safest, and recommended way to get your roof washed and clean of black stains, marks, debris, mold, mildew, lichens, and bacteria.



Roof Cleaning Method #1: Debris Removal

The humid weather in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess  County cause roofs to develop mildew and mold growth. You can remove debris quickly using a rented machine or even by scrubbing a small area by hand. You will likely see an instant difference in the condition of the roof. But this is time-consuming, dangerous, and ineffective. 

Cosmetically you’ll improve your home’s curb appeal and remove the debris build-up on your roof such as branches, leaves, and other items but the moss, mold, mildew, and lichens are still eating away at your roof.

This method will not remove ugly algae and black stains on your roof that have grown into your roof shingles. One other caution, when you rent a pressure washing machine it can be difficult to set the correct psi. As a result, you may use high pressure on your roof and damage your shingles.

Roof Cleaning Method #2: Low-Pressure Washing (Roof Soft Washing) With Eco-safe Roof Cleaning Solution

There is a big difference between High-Pressure and Low-Pressure Washing. It’s also ineffective at removing living organisms from your roof. It is these organisms, such as algae, that cause roof stain damage. A stream of water used to clean your roof should be soft enough that your hand can go in front of the stream of water. If this can not be done, the pressure is too great and you could damage your roof.

The best roof cleaning method is low-pressure washing using a safe and effective cleaner that kills both the organisms and the roots they leave behind. This combination is recommended by shingle manufacturers, which also makes it the safest method for your roof. 

Low-pressure washing is effective to remove stains from debris build-up and organisms on your roof. At the same time, it’s gentle enough to avoid damaging your roof shingles and your home. 

Westchester Power Washing only uses this method to get your roof clean. Other roof washing companies use high pressure to save themselves time and to look like they are doing a great job, but they are destroying your roof in the long run.  

At Westchester Power Washing, we only use the best methods to remove dirt, grime, and mold from your roof, house, siding, patio, deck, walkways, driveway, stairs, fencing, and furniture.  We do not cut corners. 

We serve Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess County, NY.  We provide full-service residential roof and house power washing services. 

Don’t Skip Pressure Washing Your Home

When it comes to exterior home maintenance, most people focus on lawn care, landscaping, and keeping their yards clutter-free. Many forget to look at their home exterior to consider the impact of dirt, grime, and pollution build-up on their roofs, siding, windows, and walkways.

While it is an easy house cleaning task to ignore, there are plenty of reasons why homeowners shouldn’t skip pressure washing their homes.

Pressure Washing Improves Curb Appeal

Most of us have driven through neighborhoods and noticed dirt, moss, and sometimes even mold on roof, siding, patios, walkways and even bricks and stone pavers. The difference between clean siding and siding covered with all manner of particles is easy to spot in any neighborhood. Driveways covered in dirt, oil, and grease have the same impact on the appearance of a front yard as a dirty carpet has on the interior of a house.

This seemingly minor appearance hurts the way neighbors see your home and curb appeal and your home’s enjoyment. This can impact your property value and even the property value of surrounding homes.

Your home’s exterior is in many ways more important to maintain then your interior. The only people who see the inside are those you invite into your home.


With your home exterior, almost everyone can see the condition of your home especially you and your family. The exterior of your house should match the interior which is why curb appeal matters even if you’re not preparing to refinance or sell your home. 

Pressure Washing Helps Protect Our Health

Between air pollution and natural pollution of mold and pollen spores, the exteriors of our house can be a toxic mess. Non-pressure roof washing will remove the dirt and grime without damaging the exterior of your home. It is also significantly faster, and safer than the many hours that can be spent on a ladder with sponges, hoses, and cleaning supplies.

Pressure Washing Decreases Potential Damage

Many of the particles that find their way to your home’s exterior surfaces are far from harmless. Humid climates increase the chances that, mold, moss, and mildew will grow on various surfaces surrounding your home. 

Without removal, this debris can eat away at wood and metal. Debris on roofs can lead to the growth of algae and moss, damaging shingles, and requiring repairs or replacement before the original lifespan of the roof comes to an end. Allowing dirt to sit and collect on concrete, such as driveways or sidewalks, provides additional soil for grass and weed growth, which cracks and permanently damages difficult to repair surfaces. Regular pressure washing not only makes our exteriors look good, but it also helps extend the life of our outside structures.

Rather than skip pressure washing at your home call Westchester Powe Washing for a free estimate or to book an appointment at 914-490-8138.